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Jinhua is a nice city for people to live. • It is located in the west of Zhejiang.


• The population is not too large or too small. • And it is a tourist city.So it must have beautiful views,a lot of traditional cultures and customs ,and all kinds of delicious food. There are a lot of celebrities born in jinhua.




上海著名景点的英文:Famous Scenic Spots in Shanghai

Spot 读法 英 [spɒt] 美 [spɑːt]





1、bright spot 光点;辉点;高兴的事

2、a spot of 少量的;一点儿

3、spot market 现货市场

4、top spot 榜首;最高位置

5、on spot 现场;在现场



site, position, location, scene, situation, spot这组词都有“地点、位置、场所”的意思,其区别是:

1、site 指或大或小的地方,既可指供专门用途或特定活动的地点,又可指某一事件的地址。

2、position 多指物体相对于其他物体所处的位置或状态。

3、location 指某物设置的方向或地点。

4、scene 常指真实事件或虚构故事发生的地点。

5、situation 指物体在其周围环境中所处的位置或状态,侧重地点或场所的环境特征。

6、spot 指相对较小的特定地点或事物所在地。


location 读法 英 [lə(ʊ)'keɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [lo'keʃən]

n. 位置(形容词locational);地点;外景拍摄场地


1、central location 中央位置;[计]中央单元

2、target location n. 目标位置,目标定位;目标搜索

3、location theory 区位论;位置理论

4、storage location 存储单元;存储位置

5、current location 当前位置


1 伦敦的著名景点有很多,比如伦敦塔桥、大本钟、白金汉宫等等。2 These famous landmarks in London are well-known for their historical and cultural significance. For example, Tower Bridge is an iconic symbol of London and its unique design is admired by many. Big Ben, located in the Palace of Westminster, is not only a famous clock tower but also a symbol of British identity. Buckingham Palace, the official residence of the British monarch, is a must-visit attraction for tourists. These landmarks attract millions of visitors each year and contribute to the charm of London.3 In addition to these famous landmarks, London also has many other attractions such as the British Museum, the London Eye, and Hyde Park. The city offers a diverse range of experiences for visitors, from exploring history and art to enjoying beautiful parks and gardens. Exploring these famous landmarks and other attractions in London will provide a deeper understanding of the city's rich history and vibrant culture.



China is a country with a long history and rich culture, which is reflected in its numerous famous scenic spots. In this article, we will introduce several renowned attractions in China and provide their English introductions, allowing readers to better understand and appreciate the beauty of these places.

The Great Wall (长城)

The Great Wall, a symbol of China, is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials. It stretches across the historical northern borders of China to protect and consolidate territories of Chinese states and empires against various nomadic groups. Known as the "Long Wall of Ten Thousand Li" in Chinese, it embodies the quintessence of China's ancient defense.

The Forbidden City (紫禁城)

The Forbidden City, located in the heart of Beijing, was the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty. It now houses the Palace Museum and is one of the most important cultural heritage sites in the world. With its magnificent architecture and profound cultural significance, it represents the essence of ancient Chinese palatial architecture and imperial power.

The Terracotta Army (兵马俑)

The Terracotta Army is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. It is a form of funerary art buried with the emperor in 210–209 BCE with the purpose of protecting the emperor in his afterlife. This incredible archaeological discovery gives us a glimpse into the military, artistic, and technological achievements of the Qin Dynasty.

The West Lake (西湖)

West Lake, located in Hangzhou, is a beautiful and serene freshwater lake. Surrounded by hills, pagodas, temples, and gardens, it has inspired poets, scholars, and artists since the 9th century. West Lake has been a widely acclaimed picturesque landscape and an important cultural symbol of spiritual and aesthetic enrichment.

Mt. Everest (珠穆朗玛峰)

Mt. Everest, known as "珠穆朗玛峰" in Chinese, is the world's highest peak, with its summit reaching an elevation of 8,848.86 meters (29,031.7 feet) above sea level. Located in the Himalayas, it offers a challenging yet breathtaking experience for mountaineers and adventurers from around the world.

We hope that this introduction to China's famous attractions in English has provided readers with a deeper understanding of these incredible landmarks. By learning about these places in English, we can enhance our cultural understanding and appreciation of China's rich history and natural beauty.

Thank you for reading this article, and we hope it has been helpful in expanding your knowledge of China's renowned scenic spots.


Here are some famous scenic spots in Beijing that you might like to visit:

1、The Forbidden City: This is a famous ancient palace complex that was built during the Ming Dynasty. It is one of the largest and most famous ancient buildings in China and is also a World Heritage Site.

2、The Great Wall: This is a famous historic fortification that runs along the northern edge of the city. It was built during the Ming and Qing dynasties to protect Beijing from invasions.

3、The Summer Palace: This is a famous imperial gardens and resort located in the Hai River Valley. It was built as a summer retreat for imperial family members during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

4、The Temple of Heaven: This is a famous religious building located in the center of Beijing. It is one of the largest and most famous religious buildings in China and is also a World Heritage Site.

5、The Summer Olympic Games: This is a famous international sports event that was held in Beijing for the first time in 2008. It was a great opportunity for China to showcase its culture and achievements to the world.

6、The Jingling Mausoleum: This is a famous陵墓complex that was built during the Tang Dynasty. It is one of the largest and most famous陵墓complexes in China and is also a World Heritage Site.

7、The Xi Shi Mausoleum: This is another famous陵墓complex that was built during the Tang Dynasty. It is located on the same site as the Jingling Mausoleum and is also a World Heritage Site.

8、The Summer Palace Museum: This is a museum located in the Summer Palace complex that contains many valuable cultural relics and historical items related to the Ming and Qing dynasties.

9、The Imperial Garden: This is another famous garden located in the center of Beijing. It was built as a royal garden for the emperors during the Ming and Qing dynasties and contains many beautiful buildings and gardens.

10、The Tiananmen Square: This is a famous square located in the center of Beijing. It is one of the largest and most famous public squares in China and is also a World Heritage Site.





首先,要注重词汇的积累。词汇是构成语言的基本元素,只有掌握了足够的词汇量,才能写出通顺的句子。因此,在平时的学习中,要注重词汇的积累,不仅要了解单词的发音和意思,还要掌握其用法和搭配。 其次,要注重语法的学习。语法是构成句子的规则,只有掌握了正确的语法规则,才能写出符合语法规范的句子。因此,要注重语法的学习,了解各种时态、语态和句子结构,并运用到写作实践中。 最后,要多加练习。写作是一种技能,只有通过不断的练习才能提高。因此,要注重写作实践,多写多练,不断反思和总结自己的不足之处,逐步提高自己的写作水平。


对于中学生来说,写一篇长篇文章并不是一件容易的事情。但是,只要掌握了正确的技巧和方法,就能事半功倍。以下是一些用英语写长篇文章的技巧: 1. 明确主题和中心思想。在写作前,要明确文章的主题和中心思想,并围绕这个主题展开论述。 2. 合理安排段落结构。段落是文章的基本组成部分,要合理安排段落结构,包括开头、主体和结尾等部分。 3. 使用过渡词语连接句子和段落。过渡词语是连接句子和段落的纽带,使用得当可以增强文章的连贯性和逻辑性。 4. 运用正确的语法和句式。在写作中要注意语法和句式的正确性,可以使用一些复杂句式和高级词汇来提升文章的质量。 5. 注重细节描写和修辞手法的运用。细节描写可以使文章更加生动形象,修辞手法的运用可以使文章更加有文采。 综上所述,提高英语写作能力需要长期的积累和实践。只要我们注重词汇、语法、练习等方面的学习,掌握正确的技巧和方法,就能够写出高质量的英语文章,为个人发展打下坚实的基础。
